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Promoting family culture, family identity and purpose for future generations.

How Creed Culture Serves Families

Family Coaching

Our Family Coaching Program is an inspiring way for moms and dads to begin to create an inspiring culture in their home.  Much like successful business owners and winning coaches lead their teams, parents can begin to lead with purpose, vision and confidence. 

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(An example of what families create for themselves in our workshops) 

Family Vision Workshops

How would it impact your church or school?

What if all family members in your church or school recognized their own unique Family: 

Vision Statements, Mission Statements and Core Values Statements? 

In our Family Vision Workshops, families arrive with interest and leave with vision, excitement & intention as well as their own beautifully designed Family Mission, Vision & Values statements in their own words and ready to be displayed in their homes.

Invite us to your church or school today!

Adoption Initiative

As a dad of three private adoptions, Ben Langhofer has an inspiring story of his own adoption experience, his compassion for birth moms. (See his book Babytalk For Mommy)

Ben's heart is for adoption to be the go-to celebrated option in the church. 

Invite Ben to share his story and inspire your audience to get behind the miracle of adoption and fulfill our role describe in Psalm 10:17-18 & James 1:27.  


Ben Langhofer

Founder, Author, Entrepreneur & Dad
Passions - Adoption & Family Identity & Belonging

My Identity

I've got a fascinating and rather complex life story.  It started at conception with a random error in cell division that led to my cells forming with an extra x chromosome. This is known as 47XXY or Klinefelter's Syndrome.  The impact of this additional x chromosome in my DNA has been significant.  I was in trouble in school and extra-curricular activities from Kindergarten on.  And unfortunately, I didn't get diagnosed until age 27 when I learned I was infertile.  Until then, my experience with "grownups" had led me to conclude I was just "a bad kid", "a troublemaker" and one who would never fit in.  Thankfully, I've overcome that identity and now live in deeper purpose through my identity in Christ and as a dad.  To this day I believe that I would not have made it through middle school, much less to where I am today if it weren't for my awesome parents, siblings and the engaging connections we shared throughout all of my formative years. 


As a result of my diagnoses I was privileged to adopt my three kiddos, Noah, Elizabeth & Isaac.  I was blessed beyond words by two different birth moms who chose life for their unexpected pregnancies.  


Because of my unique experiences in life I have found a voice to share with others.  Parents who are navigating family life in this crazy culture and parents who don't know if they want to be parents or not.  That's my heart and what fuels my passion for families.  

Ben, Noah, Elizabeth & Isaac Langhofer

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